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Apr 27, 2017
Grow what you cook
Scott Mozingo  Product Manager, Burpee

Gardening is still a top hobby in North America and with good reason. It is relaxing to get outdoors and care for your plants and work the garden. It can also be rewarding to harvest your own vegetables from your back yard or balcony. If you’ve ever visited the vegetable section of your local garden center, you might be easily overwhelmed with the number of choices and full assortment of plants and seeds offered. If you’ve been thinking of starting a vegetable garden but don’t know where to begin, I suggest you start in the kitchen!

Now, the kitchen might seem like an odd place to plan your garden, but when you think about it, it makes total sense. When it comes to fruits and vegetables, what do you really like to eat? Do you love everything about strawberries? Fresh, juicy, red strawberries are so easy to grow in a planter right outside the door or in a bed or border in the garden.

As an avid lover of all things covered in marinara sauce (mmmm, gravy), I like to make sure I have a few plants of a good sauce tomato growing. My favorite right now is Burpee’s SuperSauce because its extra-large and easy peel fruit make it a quick fix for fresh tomato sauce. Sneak a couple basil plants in nearby and the sauce is 90% done!

Finally, my kitchen garden is never without cucumbers and lately pickling type cucumbers are my go-to. I love that the plants are so prolific that I can have enough for salad and a few quick counter-top fermented dill pickles from just one plant.

Hopefully these couple of ideas from my own kitchen garden have helped you think about what you like to eat and what makes sense for you to grow. As much as I love to plant and eat my favorites, I love to try a couple of new things every year, too. Have fun in your garden and be sure to share your favorite veggies and recipes with us!

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