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May 15, 2013
'Grow Anywhere Tour' - Cleveland Community Caring
Burpee  Edible Gardening Team Members

Hello from Cleveland, Ohio! It was another frigid morning on the “Grow Anywhere Tour,” as many across the U.S. probably have experience lately. That being said, we couldn’t complain about how the event at Watterson-Lake Elementary School went.

We started the day out early, heading to Casa Verde Growers in Columbia Station to grab the wonderful plants for our school visit later in the day. The people there were really helpful and clearly worked hard to grow us some great looking plants.
After saying farewell, we began the next leg of the journey to the not-so-distant Petitti Garden Center in Strongsville. What a beautiful garden center it was, too!

With thousands of plants under glass and even more outside, it surely was something to behold. You could tell Petitti takes great pride in creating a welcoming atmosphere for their customers to come in and fall in love with their plants. We had the chance to share the good word about our Burpee Home Gardens vegetables and flowers, and introduce customers to our website where some newer gardeners could have many of their questions answered.

It was still a little chilly at this point, and staying in the warmer greenhouse atmosphere was tempting, but we had to get moving to grab our produce. After another relatively short drive, we made it over to Premier Produce based out of Cleveland. (Be sure to follow them on Twitter @PremierProduce and on Facebook at PremierProduceFans.) Here we loaded up some wonderful tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers to hand out at the school event. We cannot say enough about how helpful and kind Premier Produce staff was! They were definitely on board with what we are trying to accomplish with the “Grow Anywhere Tour” in helping squash the growing food crisis around the nation. Having companies like them around makes it so much better!

After we finished loading up, the #BurpeeTruck rolled on over to Watterson-Lake (K-8) to get the event going. Here we were met by some dedicated volunteers who were very cheerful and more than helpful! This event was unique in many ways as community members from all over stopped by to get a look at what was going on. We were able to impact not only the students at the school, but helped many community folks get their own gardens started! There were so many people to talk to, and so many knowledgeable gardeners in the area. We just wish we had had more time to talk to them all, but alas the Burpee Truck had to move on.

As we wrapped up, we were able to bless a nearby shelter with a little leftover produce, and they were extremely grateful. It is days like today that bring smiles to our faces as we work to make others’ lives better one step at a time. Thank you to everyone who made today possible, and we hope to keep connected with all of you into the future!

Follow the truck as it travels the country this spring! Real-time updates on Twitter @BurpeeHG, #BurpeeTruck, #GrowAnywhereTour.

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