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Jun 4, 2012
Gardening for my health
Michael Burch  Home Gardener

Michael Burch

As a Type 2 diabetic in stage 4 kidney failure, my visits to the doctor are not always pleasant. However, this time was different - blood pressure down, kidney failure reversed, blood sugar levels manageable - so naturally my doc asked, “What have you been doing?”

You can imagine his surprise when I said, “Gardening.”

I explained to him that I planted a vegetable and flower garden to keep my mind off my health problems. After all, with planting, mulching, weeding, fertilizing, pruning, staking and harvesting, who has time to worry about little inconveniences like kidney failure, lung disease and diabetes? I went on to explain how I planted more than 41 tomatoes, peppers, squash and daylilies in my backyard.

Now, I know modern medicine can do wonders for ailments such as mine. However, I truly believe my backyard garden not only has contributed to my improved health, it has improved my attitude toward life in general. Even my family has seen a difference - I can tell they enjoy my upbeat mind-set, not to mention the fresh vegetables.

With my family's support, my garden and my health are flourishing. My wife and daughter walk through the garden daily to see which healthy vegetables they can incorporate in our supper. I'm so thankful for the ability to grow these health support tools; I wanted to share the love. I recently started sharing my produce with many of the elderly folks in our community, as well. Seeing the expression on their faces when we make our deliveries is payment enough for our efforts.

While I could credit my doctor's efforts for my recent improvement, I know it's the miracle of my vegetable garden and my wonderful family that's made all the difference. I have to say, being one with nature has been a very rewarding and relaxing experience for me. Where else can one experience the marvel of growth, harvest and restoration so quickly, except in your own backyard? It is a joy and a wonderment I hope for every individual to be able to experience.

Happy gardening to you!

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