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Entries for disease (6)
Aug 14, 2017
When good plants go bad
Burpee  Edible Gardening Team Members
Surviving through summer’s hot and dry days is a challenge for your spring-planted flowers and vegetables. As we wear into August, you'll find that weeds really take off, insects show up more often....

Jun 30, 2016
Mid-season garden checklist
Burpee  Edible Gardening Team Members
Around this time of year your vegetable plants have established themselves. They’re growing and filling their container or garden bed, and probably setting loads of fruit. What an accomplishment!....

Jul 18, 2013
Mid-season weeding tips
Burpee  Edible Gardening Team Members
Getting a handle on rampant weeds is very important for a healthy garden. Weeds not only choke out your colorful plants or vegetables from much-needed sun and hydration, but they could be a breeding....

Feb 19, 2013
Give grafted tomatoes a try in 2013
Scott Mozingo  Product Manager, Burpee
I feel like I’m completely settled in for the winter – with a huge stack of gardening catalogs – trying to decide exactly what I want, what I need and what I absolutely can’t live....

Aug 1, 2011
Dealing with drainage
Erin Etheridge  Burpee Home Gardens Guest Blogger
“Something’s rotten in Denmark!” I said to myself as one of my plant’s containers busted open, spewing putrid water and stinky dirt, because nothing will ever change the fact....

Jul 1, 2011
Dealing with disease
Erin Etheridge  Burpee Home Gardens Guest Blogger
Call me a wimp if you want, but I’ve just emerged from the sick and twisted depths of tomato plant disease, and I literally feel faint. I really don’t know what it is about tomato plant....